Happy Birthday Canada!
WE THE NORTH love nothing more than to get together with family and friends and enjoy a delicious barbecue outdoors. Whether you’re in one of the largest cities or the smallest of towns, there’s an abundance of beautiful spaces created for outdoor cooking far beyond our backyards.
The Patty Utensil is proud to be a Canadian owned and manufactured product and we’re inviting all of you to spend the long weekend making your favourite patty shaped burgers this weekend! Whether it be a chickpea avocado patty or the ever so Canadian, Maple smoky bacon burger.
I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this beautiful country’s birthday than by listening to some music and enjoying a juicy, Patty Utensil made burger while enjoying a terrific firework display!
Post your photos of how you spent the long weekend and use the hashtag #PattyUtensil
Enjoy the sunny summer weather and consume your Patties responsibly!
-Patty Utensil Team.